Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 1

Goal Weight Loss: 20 lbs
(125 lbs to 105 lbs)

Current Weight: 125-ish

Ultimate Goal Weight: 98 lbs

Deadline: by trip to Vegas

If not achieved, I will: continue to feel self-conscious about myself and my body, continue to feel like I don't have anything to wear that looks good, will have yet another problem to deal with in my already fucked up life

If achieved, I will: finally feel comfortable and even confident about myself, my body, and my physical appearance.  I won't have to worry about looking fat in pictures, or about being one of the larger girls in my group of friends.  I will be confident in a bikini.  I will be a faster and better runner.  I will have one less thing to worry about in my crazy life.  I will have a wider range of clothing to choose from in my wardrobe because everything will fit me better.

If I continue with my current situation for the next 10 years, I will: continue to feel self-conscious about my body, continue to feel like I don't have anything to wear that looks good, will have yet another problem to deal with in my already fucked up life, will feel like a failure and unsuccessful in life since I didn't get my act together physical-appearance-wise by the time I went to college.

When do I want to take action: RIGHT NOW.


- get rid of stress via exercise, yoga, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep
- eat more slowly so you fill up more quickly
- eat the same foods
- exercise after eating
- drink 8 glasses of water a day
- When eating out, choose: clear broth-based soups, lettuce/spinach salads (dressing on side, no bacon/croutons/cheese), steamed veggies for side dish, grilled/broiled/roasted/baked meat, broiled/baked/steamed/blackened seafood, sandwiches on whole grain, wheat, pita, or multigrain (no mayo)